The Worlds Most Interesting Postcard


Getting referrals every month just got really easy 🙂

Watch this video and I’ll explain:

Here’s what you get:

  • Each month you’ll get a new issue of The World’s Most Interesting Postcard packed with lots of fun, interesting tips and facts.
  • On the back of the card, you’ll get a pre-written Referral Getting note using the power of suggestion to build awareness in your clients about specific conversations to listen for – and EXACTLY what to do if they hear someone talking about real estate.
  • You can edit the card to include YOUR contact information, picture, logo and use the dialogue box to suggest a very specific type of referral you could use RIGHT NOW.
  • You can use the completed template to print and mail cards on your own…or you can email your card…and your mailing address and we’ll print, address and mail them FOR you cheaper than you could do it yourself.

Click Here to get started:


or save 40% with an annual


I’m really looking forward to working with you…

This is going to be a GREAT year!

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